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LunaContractStopException Objects

class LunaContractStopException(Exception)

Custom exception class for stopping contract execution within Luna's framework. This exception is used to signal an intentional stop in the execution flow of a contract.

  • message: An optional message describing the reason for stopping the contract execution.

LunaContractErrorException Objects

class LunaContractErrorException(Exception)

Custom exception class for signaling errors during contract processing in Luna's framework. This exception is used to indicate an error state encountered during the processing of a contract.

  • message: A message describing the error encountered during contract processing.

LunaContractTerminateException Objects

class LunaContractTerminateException(Exception)

Custom exception class for indicating the need to terminate a contract within Luna's framework. This exception can be used to signal that a contract should be terminated due to specific conditions.

  • message: An optional message describing the reason for contract termination.