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def event_source_contract_only() -> Callable[[EventSourceType, str], bool]

event_source_contract_only enforces that any event must come from a contract


def event_source_user_only() -> Callable[[EventSourceType, str], bool]

event_source_user_only enforces that any event must come from a user


def event_source_access_list(
access_list: dict[str, bool],
default_action: bool = False
) -> Callable[[EventSourceType, str], bool]

event_source_source_id_access_list enforces that any event must come from source id in the provided access list

This can be used as both an allow or block list. i.e. event_source_source_id_access_list({"1": True, "2": False }) will allow user 1 to send the event, but block user 2. User 3 who is not in the access_list would have the value of default_action returned. By default this is False so would block them, but can be set to True to allow true block list semantics.