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BalanceSheetAccountType Objects

class BalanceSheetAccountType(str, enum.Enum)

Enumeration for classifying types of balance sheet accounts. Includes ASSET, LIABILITY, and EQUITY.

BalanceSheetAccountName Objects

class BalanceSheetAccountName(str, enum.Enum)

Enumeration for predefined names of balance sheet accounts. Lists commonly used account names like GENERAL_EQUITY_ACCOUNT, REVENUE, EXPENSE, and others.

BalanceSheetEvent Objects

class BalanceSheetEvent(LunaBaseModel)

Model representing an event within a balance sheet. Contains a unique identifier.

BalanceSheetAccount Objects

class BalanceSheetAccount()

Data structure for a balance sheet account. Holds the account's unique identifier.

BalanceSheetAccountWithDetails Objects

class BalanceSheetAccountWithDetails(LunaBaseModel)

Enhanced data structure for a balance sheet account. Includes additional details like the account name and code.

BalanceSheetEntry Objects

class BalanceSheetEntry()

Represents an individual entry in a balance sheet. Captures the amount, associated account, related event, and timestamp.

BalanceSheetEntryData Objects

class BalanceSheetEntryData(LunaBaseModel)

Model for serialization of balance sheet entries. Converts an instance of BalanceSheetEntry to a serializable format, preserving key data attributes.

AccountingUnit Objects

class AccountingUnit(str, enum.Enum)

Currencies and units supported by the Luna accounting system. This is not enforced at this stage, current balance sheets are not unit restricted.