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Establishes the structure for managing runtime state in contracts, including storage and retrieval of variables, clause evaluations, and event handling. 'RuntimeState' class provides methods to access and modify contract data, track execution details, and interact with linked contracts and events. It also manages audit logging, tick counting, and termination logic. Additional dataclasses like 'RuntimeStateVariable' and 'RuntimeStateEvaluatedClause' assist in capturing specific state aspects like variable values and clause outputs.

RuntimeState Objects

class RuntimeState()

Manages the runtime state in contracts, including variables, clause evaluations, and event handling.


  • contract_id (str): The unique identifier of the contract.
  • engine_handle (EngineHandle): A handle to the engine for managing contract operations.
  • clock (Clock): A clock instance for tracking time within the contract.
  • template (Template): The contract's template instance.
  • logger (Logger): Logger instance for audit logging.

The RuntimeState class provides methods to access and modify contract data, track execution details, interact with linked contracts and events, manage audit logging, count ticks, and handle contract termination.


def for_contract(contract_id: str, template: "Template") -> RuntimeState

Copies the current RuntimeState object but for the given contract_id and template instead. Return the new RuntimeState object.


def put_event(event: EventData) -> str

Instantiate a new event in the contract with the given event data.

:param event: The EventData instance containing the event details. :return: The unique identifier of the created event.