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PutAuditRequest Objects

class PutAuditRequest(LunaBaseModel)

Request class for logging audits.


  • contract_id (str): Identifier of the contract.
  • audits (List[AuditEntry]): List of audit entries to log.

PutAuditResponse Objects

class PutAuditResponse(LunaBaseModel)

Response class for audit logging requests.

GetTemplateRequest Objects

class GetTemplateRequest(LunaBaseModel)

Request class for retrieving templates.


  • contract_id (str): Identifier of the contract.

GetTemplateResponse Objects

class GetTemplateResponse(LunaBaseModel)

Response class with template details.


  • template_id (str): Identifier of the template.
  • template_class_name (str): Class name of the template.
  • definition (str): Definition of the template.

GetProjectRequest Objects

class GetProjectRequest(LunaBaseModel)

Request class for rerieving a project's repository


  • contract_id (str): Identifier of the contract.

GetProjectResponse Objects

class GetProjectResponse(LunaBaseModel)

Response with project repository.


  • repository (bytes): Compressed repository directory.

GetVariableRequest Objects

class GetVariableRequest(LunaBaseModel)

Request class for variable data.


  • contract_id (str): Identifier of the contract.
  • name (str): Name of the variable.

GetVariableResponse Objects

class GetVariableResponse(LunaBaseModel)

Response class with variable data.


  • value (str): Value of the variable.

GetSecretRequest Objects

class GetSecretRequest(LunaBaseModel)

Request class for secret data.


  • contract_id (str): Identifier of the contract.
  • name (str): Name of the secret.

GetSecretResponse Objects

class GetSecretResponse(LunaBaseModel)

Response class with secret data.


  • value (str): Value of the secret.

GetConnectionRequest Objects

class GetConnectionRequest(LunaBaseModel)

Request class for connection data.


  • contract_id (str): Identifier of the contract.
  • name (str): Name of the connection.

GetConnectionResponse Objects

class GetConnectionResponse(LunaBaseModel)

Response class for connection data.


  • source (dict[str, Any]): Data describing the connection source.
  • target (dict[str, Any]): Data describing the connection target.
  • operations (list[dict[str, Any]]): Data describing a list of operations.

GetParticipantDetailRequest Objects

class GetParticipantDetailRequest(LunaBaseModel)

Request class for participant details.


  • participant_id (str): Identifier of the participant.
  • name (str): Name of the detail.

GetParticipantDetailResponse Objects

class GetParticipantDetailResponse(LunaBaseModel)

Response class with participant details.


  • value (str): Value of the participant detail.

UpdateParticipantDetailRequest Objects

class UpdateParticipantDetailRequest(LunaBaseModel)

Request class for updating participant details.


  • participant_id (str): Identifier of the participant.
  • name (str): Name of the detail.
  • value (any): New value for detail.

UpdateParticipantDetailResponse Objects

class UpdateParticipantDetailResponse(LunaBaseModel)

Response class with participant details.


  • value (str): Value of the participant detail.

GetParameterRequest Objects

class GetParameterRequest(LunaBaseModel)

Request class for parameter data.


  • contract_id (str): Identifier of the contract.
  • name (str): Name of the parameter.

GetParameterResponse Objects

class GetParameterResponse(LunaBaseModel)

Response class with parameter data.


  • value (str): Value of the parameter.

GetRoleRequest Objects

class GetRoleRequest(LunaBaseModel)

Request class for role data.


  • contract_id (str): Identifier of the contract.
  • name (str): Name of the role.

GetRoleResponse Objects

class GetRoleResponse(LunaBaseModel)

Response class with role data.


  • participant_ids (List[str]): List of participant identifiers.

GetClauseEvalCountRequest Objects

class GetClauseEvalCountRequest(LunaBaseModel)

Request class for clause evaluation counts.


  • contract_id (str): Identifier of the contract.
  • name (str): Name of the clause.

GetClauseEvalCountResponse Objects

class GetClauseEvalCountResponse(LunaBaseModel)

Response class with clause evaluation counts.


  • count (int): Number of times the clause has been evaluated.

GetEvaluatedClauseRequest Objects

class GetEvaluatedClauseRequest(LunaBaseModel)

Request class for evaluated clause data.


  • contract_id (str): Identifier of the contract.
  • name (str): Name of the clause.
  • eval_count (int | None): Specific evaluation count.

GetEvaluatedClauseResponse Objects

class GetEvaluatedClauseResponse(LunaBaseModel)

Response class with evaluated clause data.


  • output (str | None): Output of the evaluated clause.
  • value_datetime (datetime | None): Datetime of the evaluation.

GetLinkedContractRequest Objects

class GetLinkedContractRequest(LunaBaseModel)

Request class for linked contract data.


  • contract_id (str): Identifier of the contract.
  • link_name (str): Name of the linked contract.

GetLinkedContractResponse Objects

class GetLinkedContractResponse(LunaBaseModel)

Response class with linked contract details.


  • template_definition (str): Definition of the linked contract's template.
  • info (LinkedContractSummary): Summary of the linked contract.

GetChildrenRequest Objects

class GetChildrenRequest(LunaBaseModel)

Request class for child contracts data.


  • contract_id (str): Identifier of the parent contract.

GetChildrenResponse Objects

class GetChildrenResponse(LunaBaseModel)

Response class with child contracts details.


  • children (list[LinkedContractSummary]): List of child contract summaries.

GetTickCountRequest Objects

class GetTickCountRequest(LunaBaseModel)

Request class for tick count data.


  • contract_id (str): Identifier of the contract.

GetTickCountResponse Objects

class GetTickCountResponse(LunaBaseModel)

Response class with tick count data.


  • tick_count (int): Count of ticks for the contract.

GetTickDatetimeRequest Objects

class GetTickDatetimeRequest(LunaBaseModel)

Request class for tick datetime data.


  • contract_id (str): Identifier of the contract.

GetTickDatetimeResponse Objects

class GetTickDatetimeResponse(LunaBaseModel)

Response class with tick datetime data.


  • tick_datetime (datetime): Datetime of the last tick.

GetTerminatedRequest Objects

class GetTerminatedRequest(LunaBaseModel)

Request class for termination status.


  • contract_id (str): Identifier of the contract.

GetTerminatedResponse Objects

class GetTerminatedResponse(LunaBaseModel)

Response class indicating termination status.


  • terminated (bool): Indicates if the contract is terminated.

GetEventsRequest Objects

class GetEventsRequest(LunaBaseModel)

Request class for event data.


  • contract_id (str): Identifier of the contract.
  • event_name (str | None): Specific name of the event.
  • clause (str | None): Specific clause that triggered the event.

GetEventsResponse Objects

class GetEventsResponse(LunaBaseModel)

Response class with event data.


  • events (List[EventInstanceData]): List of event instances.

GetEventRequest Objects

class GetEventRequest(LunaBaseModel)

Request class for specific event data.


  • contract_id (str): Identifier of the contract.
  • event_id (str): Identifier of the specific event.

GetEventResponse Objects

class GetEventResponse(LunaBaseModel)

Response class with specific event data.


  • event (EventInstanceData): Data of the specific event.

GetContractInfoRequest Objects

class GetContractInfoRequest(LunaBaseModel)

Request class for contract information.


  • contract_id (str): Identifier of the contract.

GetContractInfoResponse Objects

class GetContractInfoResponse(LunaBaseModel)

Response class with contract state information.


  • state (StateInfo): Information about the contract's state.

RunFunctionRequest Objects

class RunFunctionRequest(LunaBaseModel)

Request class to execute functions.


  • contract_id (str): Identifier of the contract.
  • tick_id (str): Identifier of the tick.
  • clause (str): Clause that triggers the function.
  • function_name (str): Name of the function to run.
  • args (dict): Arguments for the function.

RunFunctionResponse Objects

class RunFunctionResponse(LunaBaseModel)

Response class with function execution results.


  • output (dict): Output of the executed function.

ValidateRequest Objects

class ValidateRequest(LunaBaseModel)

Request class for validating contracts.


  • contract_id (str): Identifier of the contract.
  • accounts (list[str]): List of account identifiers for validation.
  • participants (list[str]): List of participant identifiers for validation.
  • payment_details (list[ParticipantPaymentDetails]): List of payment details (payment method and participant id) for validation.

ValidateResponse Objects

class ValidateResponse(LunaBaseModel)

Response class indicating validation results.


  • valid (bool): Indicates if the validation is successful.
  • errors (list[ValidationError]): List of validation errors, if any.

MakePaymentRequest Objects

class MakePaymentRequest(LunaBaseModel)


  • contract_id (str): Identifier of the contract.
  • payer_payment_details (ParticipantPaymentDetails): Payment details of the payer.
  • payee_payment_details (ParticipantPaymentDetails): Payment details of the payee.
  • amount (Decimal): Amount of the payment.
  • unit (AccountingUnit): Unit of the payment "currency".
  • payment_provider_name (PaymentProvider): Name of payment provider i.e. YAPILY.
  • name (str): Name of the payment.
  • env (PaymentEnv): Environment of the payment i.e. "sandbox".
  • value_datetime (datetime): Datetime of the evaluation.
  • payment_type (str): Currently DOMESTIC, INTERNATIONAL, or None are supported

MakePaymentResponse Objects

class MakePaymentResponse(LunaBaseModel)


  • consent_id: Identifier of the consent for 3rd party.