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FunctionNames Objects

class FunctionNames(str, enum.Enum)

Enumeration of specific function names used in Luna.

Enumerated Values:

  • CREATE_BALANCE_SHEET_EVENT: Name for the function to create a balance sheet event.
  • CREATE_BALANCE_SHEET_ENTRIES: Name for the function to create balance sheet entries.
  • CREATE_BALANCE_SHEET_ACCOUNT: Name for the function to create a balance sheet account.
  • SIMPLE_TRANSFER: Name for the function to facilitate a simple transfer between participants.
  • CREATE_DEFAULT_TRANSFER_ACCOUNTS: Name for the function to create default payment accounts.
  • GET_BALANCE_SHEET_ACCOUNT_BALANCE: Name for the function to get the balance of a balance sheet account.
  • GET_BALANCE_SHEET_ACCOUNT: Name for the function to get details of a balance sheet account.
  • CREATE_DEFAULT_PAYMENT_ENTRIES: Create default Balance Sheet Event and Entries required for a payment.
  • NOW: Name for the function to get the current datetime.

CreateBalanceSheetEventOutput Objects

class CreateBalanceSheetEventOutput(LunaBaseModel)

Model representing the output of the balance sheet event creation function.


  • id (str): The identifier of the created balance sheet event.

CreateBalanceSheetAccountOutput Objects

class CreateBalanceSheetAccountOutput(LunaBaseModel)

Model representing the output of the balance sheet account creation function.


  • id (str): The identifier of the created balance sheet account.